Pioneers in community living.
Our vision
The Dwelling Place models what it can look like for adults with developmental disabilities to live rich, purposeful, and socially integrated lives, making valued contributions to their communities.
For nearly two decades, these “brothers of the heart” have been pioneering a path of social and community engagement for adults with developmental disabilities.
Empowering living
The Dwelling Place provides The Five Amigos with a close, supportive, and loving family life in a private home. We also ensure The Amigos have opportunities to take pride in meaningful employment of their choice, which meets real needs in the community.
Through pursuing and achieving their dreams, goals, and relationships, The Amigos illustrate the immeasurable value adults with developmental disabilities bring to their neighborhoods. By living open and joy-filled lives in the Central Washington Valley since 2002, The Amigos are a force of friendship, laughter, and love among all those privileged to know them.
Securing the future
As The Amigos pass the cusp of midlife, they are again pioneering new territory concerning how to support the independence of aging adults with development disabilities. The Dwelling Place will maintain their continuity of relationships and community alongside more specialized support as they discover this new land of aging in their familiar and beloved land of Leavenworth.
Sharing our vision
The Dwelling Place regularly shares its story, experiences, and advice with others who are interested in developing adult family homes.
The community of Leavenworth is remarkably supportive in partnering with The Dwelling Place. We hope this joyful home will serve as an inspiration to other communities as well.